
night goggles "EyeClops Night Vision Infrared Stealth Goggles"

...These goggles are powered by real infra-red driven night vision technology which you must have seen in movies or games. I am addicted to Splinter Cell (PC Game) and I loved that night vision part by using goggles. Therefore, I always wanted to have one for myself. EyeClops has made my dream come true and the best part is I am able to afford them from my pocket money itself. These goggles are perfect if you want to play hide and seek in the dark as they enable clear visibility for up to 50 feet (15 m) in complete darkness. Not only this, if you are a camping kid then these goggles can help you out in pitch blackness. You require 4 “AA” batteries to keep these infra-red stealth goggles running.

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